How to Create a WhatsApp Chat Box Widget in Blogger

How to Create a WhatsApp ChatBox Widget in Blogger

This widget is optional you can choose to add it or not. Some bloggers may choose to keep their WhatsApp privacy, but there are also some who actually write down their WhatsApp number or contact that is easy to contact for business and so on.

That's why we made this tutorial maybe you need this widget. One of the advantages of this widget is that it is easier to customize, you can change the color and width of the widget easily, see the procedure for creating a Whatsapp Chat Box widget below:


To see firsthand how this widget looks, you can directly see it at the link below:

Demo Widget

The first step - Adding CSS code

The first thing you have to do is go to the Edit HTML template menu and add the CSS code below to the CSS code group on your blog.

/* Chatbox Whatsapp */
:root {
--warna-background: #4dc247; /* Warna background header dan tombol chat */
--warna-bg-chat: #f0f5fb;
--warna-icon: #fff; /* Warna icon chat */
--warna-text: #505050;
--warna-text-alt: #989b9f;
--lebar-chatbox: 320px;

svg{width: 22px;height: 22px;vertical-align: middle;fill: var(--warna-icon)}
.chatMenu, .chatButton .svg-2{display: none}

.chatButton{position: fixed;background-color: var(--warna-background);bottom: 20px;left: 20px;border-radius: 50px;z-index: 20;overflow: hidden;display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;width: 50px;height: 50px;-webkit-transition: all .2s ease-out;transition: all .2s ease-out}
.chatButton svg{margin: auto;fill: var(--warna-icon)}
.chatBox{position: fixed;bottom: 70px;left: 20px;width: var(--lebar-chatbox);-webkit-transition: all .2s ease-out;transition: all .2s ease-out;z-index: 21;opacity: 0;visibility: hidden;line-height: normal}
.chatContent{border-radius: 15px;background-color: #fff;box-shadow: 0 5px 15px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.05);overflow: hidden}
.chatHeader{position: relative;display: flex;align-items: center;padding: 15px 20px;background-color: var(--warna-background);overflow: hidden}
.chatHeader svg{width: 32px;height: 32px;flex-shrink: 0;fill: var(--warna-icon)}
.chatHeader .chatTitle{padding-left: 15px;font-size: 14px;color: var(--warna-icon)}
.chatHeader .chatTitle span{font-size: 11.5px;display: block;line-height: 1.58em}
.chatText{display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;margin: 25px 20px;font-size: 12px;color: var(--warna-text)}
.chatText span{display: inline-block;margin-right: auto;padding: 10px 10px 10px 20px;background-color: var(--warna-bg-chat);border-radius: 3px 15px 15px}
.chatText span:after{content: 'Just now';margin-left: 15px;font-size: 9px;color: var(--warna-text-alt)}
.chatText .typing{margin: 15px 0 0 auto;padding: 10px 20px 10px 10px;border-radius: 15px 3px 15px 15px}
.chatText .typing: after{display: none}
.chatStart{display: flex;align-items: center;margin-top: 15px;padding: 18px 20px;border-radius: 10px;background-color: #fff;overflow: hidden;font-size: 12px;color: var(--warna-text)}
.chatMenu:checked + .chatButton{-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);transform: rotate(360deg)}
.chatMenu:checked + .chatButton .svg-1{display: none}
.chatMenu:checked + .chatButton .svg-2{display: block}
.chatMenu:checked ~ .chatBox{bottom: 90px;opacity: 1;visibility: visible}

Information: In the: root{...} section you can change the color of the header, icon, and width of the widget as you wish. Also, replace the left text which has been marked with the right to change the position of the widget so that it is on the right

Second step - Writing HTML code

There are two options for placing this HTML code, the first is the easiest on the Blogger Layout menu, add a new HTML widget in the sidebar, and paste all the HTML code below. The second is to paste all the HTML code below before the </body> tag, it's all the same, it's up to you which way you want to choose.

<input class='chatMenu hidden' id='offchatMenu' type='checkbox' />
<label class='chatButton' for='offchatMenu'>
  <svg class='svg-1' viewBox='0 0 32 32'><g><path d='M16,2A13,13,0,0,0,8,25.23V29a1,1,0,0,0,.51.87A1,1,0,0,0,9,30a1,1,0,0,0,.51-.14l3.65-2.19A12.64,12.64,0,0,0,16,28,13,13,0,0,0,16,2Zm0,24a11.13,11.13,0,0,1-2.76-.36,1,1,0,0,0-.76.11L10,27.23v-2.5a1,1,0,0,0-.42-.81A11,11,0,1,1,16,26Z'></path><path d='M19.86,15.18a1.9,1.9,0,0,0-2.64,0l-.09.09-1.4-1.4.09-.09a1.86,1.86,0,0,0,0-2.64L14.23,9.55a1.9,1.9,0,0,0-2.64,0l-.8.79a3.56,3.56,0,0,0-.5,3.76,10.64,10.64,0,0,0,2.62,4A8.7,8.7,0,0,0,18.56,21a2.92,2.92,0,0,0,2.1-.79l.79-.8a1.86,1.86,0,0,0,0-2.64Zm-.62,3.61c-.57.58-2.78,0-4.92-2.11a8.88,8.88,0,0,1-2.13-3.21c-.26-.79-.25-1.44,0-1.71l.7-.7,1.4,1.4-.7.7a1,1,0,0,0,0,1.41l2.82,2.82a1,1,0,0,0,1.41,0l.7-.7,1.4,1.4Z'></path></g></svg>
  <svg class='svg-2' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path d='M278.6 256l68.2-68.2c6.2-6.2 6.2-16.4 0-22.6-6.2-6.2-16.4-6.2-22.6 0L256 233.4l-68.2-68.2c-6.2-6.2-16.4-6.2-22.6 0-3.1 3.1-4.7 7.2-4.7 11.3 0 4.1 1.6 8.2 4.7 11.3l68.2 68.2-68.2 68.2c-3.1 3.1-4.7 7.2-4.7 11.3 0 4.1 1.6 8.2 4.7 11.3 6.2 6.2 16.4 6.2 22.6 0l68.2-68.2 68.2 68.2c6.2 6.2 16.4 6.2 22.6 0 6.2-6.2 6.2-16.4 0-22.6L278.6 256z'></path></svg>

<div class='chatBox'>
  <div class='chatContent'>
    <div class='chatHeader'>
      <svg viewbox='0 0 32 32'><path d='M24,22a1,1,0,0,1-.64-.23L18.84,18H17A8,8,0,0,1,17,2h6a8,8,0,0,1,2,15.74V21a1,1,0,0,1-.58.91A1,1,0,0,1,24,22ZM17,4a6,6,0,0,0,0,12h2.2a1,1,0,0,1,.64.23L23,18.86V16.92a1,1,0,0,1,.86-1A6,6,0,0,0,23,4Z'></path><rect height='2' width='2' x='19' y='9'></rect><rect height='2' width='2' x='14' y='9'></rect><rect height='2' width='2' x='24' y='9'></rect><path d='M8,30a1,1,0,0,1-.42-.09A1,1,0,0,1,7,29V25.74a8,8,0,0,1-1.28-15,1,1,0,1,1,.82,1.82,6,6,0,0,0,1.6,11.4,1,1,0,0,1,.86,1v1.94l3.16-2.63A1,1,0,0,1,12.8,24H15a5.94,5.94,0,0,0,4.29-1.82,1,1,0,0,1,1.44,1.4A8,8,0,0,1,15,26H13.16L8.64,29.77A1,1,0,0,1,8,30Z'></path></svg>
      <div class='chatTitle'>Please chat with our team <span>Admin will reply in a few minutes</span></div>
    <div class='chatText'>
      <span>Hello, Is there anything we can help you with?</span>
      <span class='typing'>...</span>
  <a class='chatStart' href='**********&text=Namste,%20Saya%20ingin%20bertanya' rel='nofollow noreferrer' target='_blank'>
    <span>Mulai chat...</span>        

Information: Change the part marked with your Whatsapp number, also change the message text on WA to your liking.

To change the default text "Namste, I want to ask" on Whatsapp chat with the text you want, you can use this URL encoder. Copy the result of the encode and paste it in the marked section.